Mereka yang aku patut terima kasih ..
Singapore's Singtel Broadband VS Malaysia's Streamyx
Hye guys..

cool huh? yeah the video i downloaded from the youtube catcher finished in just 3 minutes. That's a total size of 156 MB and the average download speed through direct link is 600 Kbps to 1.1 Mbps..
To be or not to be a DJ
heyya fella's... i just went back from this small DJing studio from Bryan Burger. it's located behind Lot 10 in KL.. well i played a few electro songs for the full 1 hour and i felt great because it's my first time playing DJ decks after a few months watching people playing it at my workplace.
well i thought of taking a DJ class there. It costs RM 2100 per half semester (3 months) and payments can be done by installment of 4 times. i really like DJing because it can bring me anywere in this world. Of course i would have thought of high fees but i did asked my friends whether to take the lesson or not and mostly they said it is a cool job and with just RM2100 on 3 months learning, it is considered cheaper than DJ Fuzz's DJ Academy (FYI its 1k per month).
A few of my friends laughed at me when i told them i wanna be a DJ. seriously this is just the start of all the joy. It's not easy to be a DJ, well first i did have a few hiccups on the decks but after time i will get to master it. Plus my mom did some replannings on her monthly expenses just to support me taking the class.
hoho, i thought that she won't even allow me to be a DJ. Maybe at first i thought she will say this DJ thing wouldn't even make money and she doesn't want me to be at a place where people get drunk, but i managed to make her say OK and for the first time she did wanna spend a few hundred RM for my studies.
people always asked me, "what course are you taking now?".. i didn't have the guts to say that i'm a poor guy who cannot afford to further my studies. But this time i will told them im taking DJ lesson at BB (Bryan Burger).
well, that's all for today. Hope that i can be a professional DJ one day. And wish me that i can play a few songs at Japan or Australia..I Hope!!
alooooh... yesterday i discussed a few things with my colleague... the first thing is about malaysians, well as u know the government is pushing 1Malaysia further but i think there are a few problems that Najib must settle first..
1- every race has their own bad attitudes. Eg,
2-Malay hate chinese because they like to mock people too much.
3-Chinese hate malay because of fashion and few rempits.
4-Malays hate Indians because they are actually pariah. Even if it's about a small tiny matter, they usually go noisy like shit!
5-Indians hate Malay because we like to call them 'keling'. Keling is actually somewhat called 'nickname of their home place'.Some time ago, they were brought to Malaya by British peoples for the rubber plantation from Kalinga (now called Sri Lanka). so instead of calling them black people, we call them their groups from Kalinga.
6-Some uncivilized people hate Chinese because their descendants were related to communists.
1-This morning I arrived at Bangsar LRT at 9.15 AM. there was no bus there and no one waited, so i sat there and took cigarette. the bus arrived at 9.40 AM but the driver went inside the office. I don't know why the driver have to take 15 minutes break every trip that took 30 minutes (damn). when the clock ticks just a few minutes before 10 AM (my shift starts at 10) the driver went out from the office and he went straight to the bus. what happened was the driver put "stalled" sign in front of the bus' window. Me and other 15 people just went fucking mad because we have to wait for about half an hour just to know that the bus was stalled. AND THE BUS WAS NOT STALLED AT ALL. the dumbass drove the bus someplace where we didn't know. i arrived at BSC at 10.30 AM through a cab that was shared by 3 other person who needs to go to work fast. I don't know why but this is absolutely unacceptable because they have enjoyable times while most people like me have to listen to nags and scolds from our boss.
2-Malaysian need to be fucking civilized either personal life, work, enjoyed times and other because if they keeps doing the same thing mentioned above in the next 30 years, probably MAHATHIR will die frowning :p
New Job, New Mood, New Team, New type of Happiness

a fucking day today. Just started working in a new place called twentyone tables and terrace.. I'm a waiter there but can get around 1.5k per month (wow)... my boss' are very cool english ppls and they know how to work in a group.. mostly they do sell liqours and beers but i seldomly send those drinks to guests, better pass it to someone else... got a black shirt and the only writings are at the back of my shoulder that states the name of the place.. usually i wear it with black pants to look more casual but unfortunately i STILL dun have enough money to buy Paul Smith shoes so i thought of buying a local one in UPTOWN.. great mood today but im very tired so it really helps me to deal with the so-called-formal pressures there. DANNY, ur the man, even i only know you today but i know ur a good owner and