Hye guys..
Yeah, This time im going to show you guys the comparison between two broadband ISP in Singapore and Malaysia. Why Singapore? because my family is there and i live in Malaysia.
OK, first of all what i like is Singtel is great. They have the speed range you can choose from 1Mbps to 10Mbps with just reasonable price. My family just changed from 3Mbps to 6Mbps (i'll tell you later) and what i got was this :

cool huh? yeah the video i downloaded from the youtube catcher finished in just 3 minutes. That's a total size of 156 MB and the average download speed through direct link is 600 Kbps to 1.1 Mbps..
That is the first thing. The second thing cool is the Modem itself. You got one USB, 4 Ethernet cables and it is a wireless modem also (2 years advanced than Streamyx buggy modem). Landline phone is free but it's charged if you call outside Singapore. And they have this thing called Mio TV which is like Astro but it uses Broadband connection rather than Satellite reception. The good thing about that (and Starhub's SCV) is no viewing problem like Astro's. No matter how heavy the rain is, you still can watch the TV unless you have a due bill and the subscription is blocked (d'uh)...
first thing i like about Streamyx is their server. Its near and there are no heavy traffic problems like request timed-out, laggy browsing speed and for residential use, they have this ultra speed access at 4Mbps (in Damansara, 10Mbps are still at Beta).
but there are lots,i mean LOTS of things i didn't like about Streamyx. Those are :
1 - high monthly subscription.
2 - Streaming speed sucks. A video of 10 minutes took 14-20 minutes of downloading.
3 - Torrent? i downloaded a recovery data of my laptop with the size of 1.2.GB and it took me A WEEK AND 2 DAYS.
4 - the modem is a piece of SHIT. i can't connect both my PowerMac to it because it only have ONE ethernet port. sucks!!!
5 - You need to have a landline phone to subscribe to Streamyx. (Singtel doesn't need landline phone, you can subscribe for land phones if you wanna use it)
6 - Streamyx service are like hell. I have to wait 3 weeks after my registration just for the TM guy himself comes and installs my modem. (at Singtel, you call them today and they will come tomorrow for installation)
okay guys.. im a bit tired plus no job rite now so have to go out and find a job or i will be kicked out of the house...